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Overcome Baldness Hair Cloning

Reproduce or clone hair cells in the laboratory is believed to offer new solutions and become a potential technique to overcome problems of baldness in men.
As the BBC reported on Tuesday (3 / 6), experts from the UK in the preliminary research has developed a new technique by taking a small portion of hair cells, then reproduce in the lab and menyuntikannya into a bald scalp.
Six months after treatment, 11 of 19 patients with alopecia showed new hair growth. Nonetheless, researchers still need to do further research to ascertain whether the new hair grows normally and same as the original.
Currently, actually has available a variety of techniques including transplantation of hair growth. In this method, jumputan hair (8 to 20 strands of hair) from the back of the head was moved to the desired area. However, these techniques have limitations because it depends on the amount of hair left, or in other words no new hair is grown.
But with this new method, called "follicular cell implantation", researchers claim to overcome the limitations of the supply of hair cells. If further research shows positive results, this new technique is likely to be applied within five years of de future.
Kuncil of these new findings is the ability to reproduce the hair cells in the laboratory. They just took the dermal papilla cells found in hair follicles play an important role in hair growth.
These cells can be obtained from the strands of hair that still grows in the back of the head are usually still growing. The cells are harvested and then soaked in a kind of liquid and developed special chemicals in the laboratory, before then injected into the surface of a bald head.
Preliminary results indicate many patients who benefit after undergoing treatment for several months, although the number of patients included in this experiment is still small.
Dr Paul Kemp, a representative of this company teknki initiator, Intercytex's Scientific - said the presence of dermal papilla cells can trigger the growth of new hair follicles as well as meramajakannya again after a stop producing hair completely.
"I think this technique will be a revolution in hair care. People will use this when it starts to go bald. They will come and find us We'll take a few dermal papilla cells, grow them in the laboratory, freeze and menyuntikannya part.
"They can come back when the hair loss process continues. I'm sure this will work, this is just a question of how to refine the technique," said Dr Paul Kemp.

Source: www.kompas.com

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