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1 Getting Rid of Acne and Scars

The face is the charm of every human being, whether male or female. It was first noticed when we meet someone is the face. therefore we must maintain the cleanliness of our faces. If we face such thing as acne appear, would be a nuisance to our appearance ... especially for women who always cares about beauty. Acne will be tortured again because it often appears at puberty which he said most people is the most beautiful, masa2 courtship. how we can have a boyfriend if we face is a nest of acne? It must be difficult is not it? Tips to remove acne is exceptional sentence that interest teens puberty. The confidence of a teenager missing existing acne on the face of rampant youth, such as the cheeks, forehead and even on the nose.
Acne appears due to different reasons in each individual If you have problems with acne scars that do not go away? Already cope with medical doctors? Still not satisfied with medical treatment? Maybe some of these tips can help you who have problems or dissatisfaction in curing acne scars. Traditional medicine is one way to cure acne scars in addition to acne marks reliever medication from a doctor. His name is also traditional, then the entire treatment was traditionally. First, use powdered cinnamon stick. Then mix with honey. If the mixture is too liquid nor too dense, then apply on acne scars which are located in any part of your body. This is the second way, that is still with the same material that is honey. By way of heating the honey to taste, cook until boiling. Then let stand honey that has been boiling it, until warm lukewarm. Apply honey to the acne scars for about two hours. Perform maintenance on this second way before going to sleep at night. For additional, this second way can also be used to treat eczema scars milk, section hand or on foot. The next way, we can use gotu kola leaves as main ingredient. Crushed leaves of gotu kola taste. Rub or pupurkan on acne scars every night before bed. Of the three ways above, all can be successfully supported faith and prayer as well as our lives change in attitude in maintaining improved health. For example, avoid dust and fumes directly. Reducing the levels of mind strees. And consume fresh fruits and not setting a healthy diet. Here are tips that will make your acne disappear and will not interfere with your performance again: 1. Washing your face 2 times a day Washing your face 2 times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, the bacteria that cause acne will live abundantly in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face scrub face excessive especially since oil production will actually increase sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a gentle soap. 2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not fit with your skin type .. acne will soon come to your facial skin. So be careful in choosing cosmetics. 3. best to avoid oily cosmetics. naturally we will face menmproduksi oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be a media problem-causing bacteria to settle on our faces. 4. Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm place.
5. Drinking water Almost 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy. 6. use a skin moisturizer Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and pecah2. But here moisturizer that does not mean that greasy moisturizer .. it's a lot of cosmetic products that are water. 7. always make sure your skin is clean before bed. Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin well. 8. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit. sayur2an contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruit, particularly those containing vitamin E. With a healthy skin, then acne would be difficult to grow and develop. Vegetables are potent acne is basil and petercelli.

9. Adequate and regular sleep. The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to a sufficient and regular sleep. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove the dangerous racun2 so that when we wake up the next day we will kebali fresh skin. 10. Do not like to squeeze pimples If often squeezed, it will leave black stains and make the face hole. 11. Do not stress Many people believe that stress can spur the development of acne on the face. Actually, many drugs still more powerful and faster, but yes so deh. There is money there goods. S good is usually the price is also definitely expensive. Medications just try it below: first, to eliminate acne use products whose names Blemish Control. Then do the skin examination to determine the existing levels of oil on our face. If a lot, probably because of his acne appears continued to face a lot of oil, to control the oil, can use the product whose name Clarifying Daily Skin Care System (no cleansers, toners and moisturizers). Do not forget to keep eating if you have this type of skin. Because food can also be one cause of acne. second, to eliminate the black bercak2, use a distinguished name is pure white spot treatment third, to eliminate bopeng2, use a distinguished name AHA moisturizer body refiner Or if not consulting wrote to places and facial skin care are widely available in apotik2 or drug store. For example: to ERHA site http://www.erhaclinic.com/ If you want more information about acne medicines plus aja try visiting this site: http://www.acne.org/ Reviewed There are many problems about acne, kind, kinds, causes, how to treat it, how ngilangin scars. Complete deh, in English again.
Just tips and information about acne nih ... actually make acne itself is diverse, 1. Sebaceous glands located at the base of excessive hair due to excessive production of androgen hormones 2. Substitution layer of skin that is too fast and then piling will cause a blockage

3. bacteria / flora of normal skin itself that turned into a vicious and attack our skin 4. stress can also trigger acne .. 5. genetics, there may be a father / ibunyanya used to be spotty
For the treatment commonly used: 1. Benzoyl Peroxide as a topical treatment with anti-bacterial effect 2. salicylate 2% to spur the skin to regenerate 3. taking antibiotics: doxycycline / clindamycin 4. Topical retinoids 5. isotretionin to normalize the effects of excess skin regeneration, reduce excess sebum production, kill bacteria indirectly. Drugs of this one is the last option for people with severe acne. The side effects are also dangerous, better consult your doctor, can be dried in the face, eyes, lips, especially in women who wish to have children in the near future about 1 month PERMITTED not use, because it will cause fetal defects. the price was too expensive, the cheapest one pill Rp 8.000, - while the use of these drugs can be up to 4-6 months, a day taken 1 pill. But it proved to be very effective
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