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Mutilation So 14 Section Only One Hour

The suspect confessed to killing Muryani Naidoo, her husband while her husband slept. The victim was hit in blocks, then hit the gas cylinder. The suspect then cut up the corpse of her husband. This was done because he was jealous after her husband had married again.
Until now the police are still looking for a sharp weapon used cut up the bodies of victims. Muryani admitted throwing sharp weapons in the trash on Main Market Kramatjati. Previously reported, polsisi found bloodstained, knives, and three kilograms of gas cylinders used for the kill.
Muryani, fruit traders in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, said the husband, Naidoo, excused himself to go do business to the area of Cianjur, West Java.
It happened the day before the discovery of severed head in the water flow Kalibaru, Kramatjati, East Jakarta, 13 October 2010. The third wife of four wives Naidoo had also been saying this to all parties, including to the East Jakarta Police Resort, which has also taken all the photographs of her husband.
According to Naidoo's brother-in-law, Nurhayati (34), he never knew that had threatened to kill Naidoo Muryani if it turns out the big-bellied man again captivate women. "If you play the woman again, I dare you to turn off," said Nur repeated words Muryani. And in fact, Naidoo was re-married after marrying Muryani.Metro East Jakarta Police have arrested Muryani, suspects mutilation of her husband, Naidoo (53).
He was charged with murder article penalty of death. However, there is still homework to be taken care of the ranks of the Metro Police Jaktim.
While waiting for test deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), alleged that 10 pieces of the body which has been found is one the same body.
"If it is true that the same body, we believe there are three pieces that have not been obtained. The three are part of the body, genitals and a pair of knee," said Chief of Police Criminal Investigation Unit Jaktim, Kompol Nicolas A Lilipaly in his office, Tuesday (19/10 / 2010) at midnight.
Previously, throughout Wednesday (10/13/2010), five pieces of the body was found in four separate locations in Kramatjati and Ciracas, East Jakarta. East Jakarta Police Chief Commissioner Saidal Mursalin then suspect the victim was murdered more than one day in advance and are aged 35-40 years.
The findings came from a skull found in the New Times staff floodgates, RT 6 RW 1, Middle Village, District Kramatjati, at 06.30 pm.
Shortly after the discovery of the head in Middle Village, District Kramatjati, a motorcycle taxi to find a piece of human thigh at 08.15 pm on the bridge H Simi, RT 4 RW 15, Kelurahan Cililitan, District Kramatjati.
After the discovery of a piece of thigh, again found pieces of the left arm at the Door Water Cililitan Kali Baru, RT 1 RW 15, Kelurahan Cililitan, District Kramatjati at 10:30.
Presumably there are other pieces of human bodies that still exist along the flow of the New Times because the officer had opened the sluice gates.
Still on the same day, Deden Ruhiyat, a scavenger found two human body parts in garbage truck in Jalan Makmur RT 9 RW 2 Susukan Village, District Ciracas.
Scavengers actually found it at 08.00 pm, but was only reported to the Chairman of the RT, Jumadi, at 16.00 pm. Then, the next day (14/10/2010) at 14:00, other scavengers, Kirno, found the butt without genitals in Simi H bridge, near the PGC Kali Baru, East Jakarta.
The location was the same as the discovery of the thigh. Water gate Cililitan Officers recovered a piece of the victim's body mutilation, on Friday (10/15/2010), at around 09.00. The findings of this time a severed hand and left foot.
The next day, residents returned to find pieces of bodies of victims of mutilation, on Saturday (10/16/2010), at around 6:25 pm. Pieces of this body to-9, a right foot, found residents in the same location as previous findings.
Then at 10:20 pm, the last piece is found, the right hand, near the front Kalibaru Ciracas police who will go to the Police Kramatjati.

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