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Found, Cell Results Cloning for Medicine

U.S. and Japanese scientists managed to find embryos that are similar to embryonic skin. This discovery is considered as an extraordinary discovery in the treatment of various diseases, and also end the long debate about cloning.
The researchers also showed, only with a simple laboratory, they were able to conduct research with accurate and explore cells derived from cloned embryos.
As reported by AP, the results of this discovery was published on Tuesday (20/11), in two journals, Cell and Science. In the journal Cell, comes from the writings of Dr. Shinya from Kyoto University, Japan. While in the journal Science, the study headed by Junying Yu, working with cell expert James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison USA.
Two groups of researchers reported reprogram cell embryo with a long series of tests. "I was very surprised when the results of the present invention was tested on mice. However, when tested on human cells in fact succeed," says Yamanaka.
Thomson said the discovery could actually be done by thousands of laboratories in the U.S.. In the study, researchers used two different cells from different tissues. Yamanaka reprogrammed skin cells from the face of an unknown woman aged 36 years. Thomson used skin cells from the baby. He studied from fetuses to adults, are still researching its findings that in adult cells.
Supported by U.S. President
U.S. President George W Bush who gave permission to use the national budget for research is very happy. "The President strongly supports and believes that the discovery was able to solve various health problems without violating the moral values of humanity," said presidential spokesman.
New techniques in reprogram these cells are able to make an embryo to form tissue like brain, heart, and nerves. Many patients can benefit from this invention. Patients can change or nerve tissue that is damaged. "This discovery is a huge stepping stone in science. The discovery of this biological equivalent of making airplane by the Wright brothers," said the head of a team of researchers from Advanced Cell Technology Dr. Robert Lanza.
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