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Lots of the women in this world of stress with his performance. Various ways taken for husband did not turn into the arms of another woman. Being a parent seems to be a frightening specter for many women in this world, become wrinkled, sagging and being unattractive is a must soon in anticipation. This applies not only among women who work in the field of entertainment but a problem for most women.
For example, the beautiful actress Demi Moore alone, In the age of five has been approached head, actress Demi Moore still looks beautiful and young. In addition to smiling and living life without the burden, Demi Moore has other recipes. Without the shy, mother of three children, said sex is the secret of her always look young.
"I think sex is very helpful. But more than that, life sharing with someone is also helping," said Demi Moore as quoted by the Sunday Mirror, Sunday, May 16, 2010.
Demi Moore admitted happiness of the household with Ashton Kutcher who was younger than he makes himself always confident. With a sense that, ex-wife of Bruce Willis was felt to find the most beautiful moments in her life. As a result, she always looks beautiful because of the happiness that she felt it emits an aura in him.
"I know with the person loves me and so did with me will make me excited. He made me very happy," he said.
By adding the power of love between them and the happiness he felt at this time regarded as a secret order he still looks pretty and sexy at the age of 47.
"I feel sexy because of love. That is why it is called a sexy aura coming from within," she said
In order to look younger, not necessarily with plastic surgery or wear expensive cosmetics. Doing simple things on a regular basis can make your face look fresh. Here are some tips that easy (and cheap of course!) To help you get more live long and looks more youthful. What are the steps that you can follow?
1. Detoxification
Through the process of detoxification, toxins or poisons in the body more quickly filtered and then discarded. In addition to cleanse the liver and kidneys, also improve the metabolism system. Digestive organs so besih, so the vitamin is more readily absorbed. Consequently, the substances that are antioxidants will improve the skin cells so that ga face look more smooth and fresh.
Detoxification is a simple way to consume fruits, can be made into juice or eaten away. Instead, consume the fruit is done regularly. Can once a week (do a full day) or every 6 months (performed for 5 consecutive days). Do, every 2 hours once you consume a variety of fruit, no sugar.
2. Massage
Regular massage helps blood circulation and oxygen to the brain. As a result, the skin and face look fresh and not wilted. Breathing is also more smoothly. In addition to your posture will be better, the body feels refreshed after a muscular body 'tamed' until they are ready to back the move. Instead, aromatherapy or reflexology massage done once a week.
Smelling aromatherapy can help calm the body after a day of activities. Choose the right fragrance, such as lavender, sandalwood, eucalyptus or geranium.
3. Meditation
Calming the mind really help you free from stress. It can be with his yoga or meditation practice. This will soothe the soul and mind. It's better done in the morning or evening meditation. There are types of yoga that requires a spin soon to head downstairs. This type of motion as it makes the blood flow to the head so that his face pink. This can make the face look younger.
True beauty not only looks beautiful from the outside, but also visible from inside the
Several indicators of youth, among others, fresh skin, elasticity awake, not a lot of black spots due to sun exposure, clean and shining. In addition, healthy hair, thick and not much gray hair. Takkalah important, physical and mind awake alias stay fit and do not go senile.

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